Highlands High School Class of 2013
The Highlands High School Class of 2013 Baccalaureate Planning Team met on Friday, April 26, 2013 after school in the Fellowship Hall of the Highlands United Methodist Church.
Those pressent were:
Sydney Lindeman-student
Brooke Hamilton-student
Eric Peterson-student
Nick Snider-student
Jason Thome-student
Maddie Gates-student
Hanna Laskeyl-student
Mark Caldwell-Reiss-representative of Fort Thomas Ministerium
What Happened At The Meeting:
*Baccalaureate is May 26, 2013 in the school auditorium
*Ideas and dreams for Baccalaureate were shared and discussed.
Some ideas were:
-"We really like using the candles"
-"We also liked the screen painting that Parker Schell did last year.
-Ideas for staging were discussed:
-we need a finish line and starting line to symbolize our end of high school and beginning of the future.
-Ideas about using Rocks to build a structure that symbolizes our accomplishments as a class as well as our future.
"Homework" assignments to have done for next meeting:
-Be thinking of themes for the service. We will share, discuss and finalize a theme at the next meeting.
-Hannah Laskey will make contact communication with the manager of the Auditorium--just to give the manager a "heads up" about Baccalaureate.
Next Meeting:
Will be Friday, May 3, 2012 after school in the Fellowship Hall of Highlands United Methodist Church.
*Rev. Lisa Caldwell-Reiss will facilitate group discussion in developing the theme for Baccalaureate.
*Begin to design and organize the various actions of worship that will make up the Baccalaureate Service.
If you have an questions please contact:
Mark Caldwell-Reiss at
Mr. Abdon at